Today I will have a chance to resolve key fears in my life. It is not just about today; this process has been happening for some time now. Today, I feel ready to face them. These fears center around following my intuition and what feels best for me. Society is bent upon telling you what is best for you; if you do not follow then you are considered worthy of ostracization. For the first time in my life, I am making decisions based upon what is best for me and my family.
Strangely or perhaps appropriately enough this falls during a time I consider a resolution phase for me. June has been a wonderful time of resolving old energy in preparation for beginning new projects with new energy. Problems that I felt were stuck are becoming unstuck as inspired solutions reign. I am graduating in more than one sense. Graduation does not mean I have arrived; to the contrary it gives me permission to ascend to the next level.
For the first time in my life, I am getting off of the fence. I am committing to certain courses of action rather than remaining wishy-washy. I am making deliberate choices; I finally own my life. These choices are empowering and allow me to move on. These choices give me a reason to exist. They open up the door for continued growth. They allow me to accurately assess the damage with a heart toward harmonious resolution that set the stage for the next step. I am free.
I own my path going forward. I have made deliberate decisions. I am committed. I am doing what is best for me even if this means being at odds with everyone else. I am finally reaching a point where I don't need other's approval just my own.